
Theatre and Art Appreciation

Let’s Dive into the World of Theatre and Art:

Join our friendly class for theater and art enthusiasts, students, and professionals in the performing arts, as well as anyone eager to expand their English skills through lively discussions. With online sessions once a week and exciting field trips to shows and exhibitions in San José, this is a community where conversation thrives!

Who is this for:

Whether you’re a theater lover or an art enthusiast, this class welcomes everyone who wants to explore the captivating world of creativity. Get ready for engaging conversations!


By sharing our opinions and embracing diverse perspectives, we can gain a profound understanding of the world we inhabit. With a deep passion for how theater and art can transform lives, this class aims to inspire individuals to express their creative selves through dialogues about shared artistic experiences.


In-Person Art Opportunities:

Immerse yourself in the vibrant arts scene of San Jose with a minimum of two in-person events. From theater performances to art galleries and music venues, we’ll experience the magic together. Please note that tickets for these events are separate from the class fee. 


Let’s create unforgettable memories and ignite fascinating conversations through the power of art.







Matricula anual


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